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Thursday, June 24, 2004

Msn Personalised Astro Profile

Lets see whats msn says abt me ->

Element: Earth
Mode: Fixed
Ruler: Venus
Fav Color: Green, Red-Orange.
Strengths: Cautious, committed, enduring, faithful, patient, persistent, realistic, reliable, responsible, sensual, stable, tender.

Your sign is that of earthy Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, the sign characterized by endurance and sensuality. Taurus is also associated with material goods. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is your ruler, and makes you a very warm and faithful person. For the most part, sanyam, you are even-tempered and show a great capacity for affection, as well as an appreciation for beauty and art. You are loyal and reliable. You keep your promises.

You are an ideal friend, a charming companion, and an easy-going partner.
Aesthetics and beauty are important to you. You can be considered a materialist on a never-ending search for the object or the relationship that will provide you with as much pleasure as possible. All your senses need to be satisfied in order for you to be happy!

You simply love life and all the good things it has to offer. You are an Epicurean, who likes to eat well, to drink well, and most of all to make love well. As a lover of pleasure and beauty, you feed off of the material and physical satisfaction that your usually established financial situation allows you. The pleasures in your daily life allow you to revitalize yourself, and give you a great deal of confidence in yourself and your self-worth.

You are someone who is very easy to live with.
Perfect Match with a CapRicoRn


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