void wickedSunny(char* szBlog);

Friday, July 09, 2004

New shell for windows

Codename "MONAD"

Jason Nadal says -

In one of the most overlooked cool things at the PDC (in my opinion,
anyway), the new Command Shell that will be in Longhorn blew me away when
I saw it. I walked up to the booth asking if unix-like file aliases would
be in the new shell, and was given a demo by the team that had my mind

First off, file aliases are possible. WinFS type queries are possible
through new commands called “commandlets” that you can write. Similar to
the unix pipe, you can do this with MSH (Microsoft shell / codename MONAD)
as well. Query results are actually .NET objects, so you can do things
like (Don't quote me on the syntax; I'm working from memory here):

$p = get/process FileName
foreach ($p) { $p.ToString() }

A rather simple example, but consider that you can do this from the
command line!

You can do WinFS filtering through the “|” symbol. MONAD can also export
natively to: HTML, XML, Excel, or plain command text in either a Table or
List format.

And....the commandlets are developer friendly. You can make a commandlet
by inheriting from the commandlet base class, and adding attribute tags to
the public properties to make them parameters to the commandlet. .NET
handles whether the user types “-?” or “/?”, so you don't have to care

I was all set to post that I had attended DOS's funeral after the keynote
on Monday, but I wasn't prepared for what was being created to replace it.

One last thing: anything can be mapped to a drive, and drives don't just
have to be letters. (Ok, I lied - that was 2) The example I was shown was
that the registry was mapped to a drive, and you could navigate it like
any other drive, with the results being returned from the commandlet as
.NET objects!

copy from one, it's plagiarism !
copy from two, it's research !!


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